Mastering Bubble: Learn the Basics & Build Apps with No-Code

23 May 2023

Learning Bubble Basics

The ability to build custom applications is no longer limited to coding experts. Bubble is a revolutionary no-code platform that empowers anyone to create functional web and mobile apps –  without writing a single line of code. This comprehensive guide serves as your launchpad into the exciting world of Bubble. We'll break down the platform's core features, guide you through setting up your account, and equip you with the  foundational knowledge to bring your app idea to life.

Introduction to Bubble

Bubble is a visual programming language that enables you to create web and mobile applications without writing code. You can use Bubble to build apps that range from simple landing pages to complex social networks. Bubble has a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to add elements and functionality to your app with ease. This makes it accessible to people without prior knowledge of how to code, or a tech background.

What is Bubble?

Bubble is a no code tool that lets users create their own app web and mobile applications without needing to write code. It is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for people with little to no programming background or experience. You can see lots of beautiful Bubble apps here.

One of the standout features of Bubble is its visual interface. This interface allows you to see your app come to life in real-time, without needing to write a single line of code. You can drag and drop elements onto your app, such as buttons, text fields, and images, and then customise them to fit your needs. Additionally, Bubble has a wide range of plugins and integrations that allow you to add advanced functionality to your app with ease.

Another benefit of using Bubble is its affordability. When hiring a development team, you can be forced to pay a lot of money, and learning to code from scratch can be time-consuming. With Bubble, you can create a professional-looking app in a fraction of the time and money it would take to learn to code. This makes it a great option for entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to create an app but don't have a large budget.

Why Choose Bubble for App Development?

There are a few reasons why Bubble is a great choice for app development. For starters, it's easy to use, even for new users. The drag-and-drop interface makes it simple to add elements to your app, and the visual interface allows you to see your app come to life in real-time. Additionally, Bubble has a wide range of plugins and integrations that allow you to add advanced functionality to your app with ease.

Another benefit of using Bubble is its speed. With Bubble, you can create an app in a fraction of the time it would take to learn to code or hire a development team. This means that you can get your app to market faster, which can be a huge advantage in today's fast-paced business world.

Finally, using Bubble to create your app can be an enjoyable process. With its visual interface and drag-and-drop functionality, you can see your ideas come to life in real-time. This can be a great motivator and can help you stay engaged and excited about your app idea or project.

Setting Up Your Bubble Account

If you're looking to build a web application without any coding experience, Bubble is a great option. Before we start to use Bubble, you need to set up an account. Here's a complete guide with step by step instructions to get you started. Bubble provides free helpful lessons so new Bubble users can quickly go from sign up to launching their first app.

Creating an Account

To create a Bubble account, start by going to the Bubble homepage. Once you're there, you'll see a "Sign Up" button on the top right corner of the page. Click that button to get started. You'll be prompted to enter your email address and create a password. Once you've filled out your information, you'll need to verify your email address to complete the sign-up process.

It's important to note that you'll need to have a valid email address to sign up for Bubble. This is because you'll need to verify your email address before you can start building your app.

Navigating the Dashboard

Once you're logged into your Bubble account, you'll be taken to your dashboard. This is where you'll manage all of your Bubble projects. The dashboard is divided into a few main sections: Projects, Templates, Plugins, and Settings.

The Projects section is where you'll create new projects and manage existing ones. You can create as many projects as you'd like, and each project can have its own unique settings and features.

The Templates section is where you can access pre-built templates. These templates are designed to help you get started quickly and easily, and they can be customised to fit your needs.

The Plugins section is where you can browse and install plugins. Plugins are add-ons that can add new features and functionality to your app. There are a variety of plugins available, including ones for social media integration, payment processing, and more.

The Settings section is where you can manage your account settings, including your billing information and user preferences.

Understanding Bubble's Pricing Plans

Bubble offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs. At the free tier, you can create projects with up to two users and 10 pages. This is a great option if you're just getting started with Bubble and want to try it out before committing to a paid plan.

However, you'll need to upgrade from free access to a paid plan if you want to add more users, access more powerful features, or remove the Bubble branding from your app. The paid plans range from $25 to $475 per month, depending on your needs.

It's important to consider your needs and budget when choosing a pricing plan. If you're building a simple app with a small team, the free plan may be sufficient. However, if you're building a more complex app with a larger team, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan to access more features and functionality.

Overall, Bubble is a great tool for building a web app without coding. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating your first Bubble app!

Bubble Basics: Lessons, Key Concepts, and Terminology

Before we dive into building our app, let's review some key concepts and terminology you'll need to understand as you work with Bubble.


Elements are the building blocks of your app. They are the visual components that users interact with, such as buttons, text inputs, and images. In Bubble, you can customise the appearance and behaviour of each element to fit your specific needs. For example, you can change the colour of a button or add a hover effect to an image.

One of the advantages of using Bubble is that it has a vast library of elements that you can use in your app. This means you don't have to build everything from scratch, which can save you a lot of time and effort.


Workflows are the set of actions that are triggered in response to user interactions or other events. For example, when a user clicks a sign-up button, a workflow can be triggered that creates a new user in your database and redirects them to the dashboard. Workflows are essential for making your app interactive and responsive to user input.

In Bubble, you can create complex workflows that involve multiple steps and conditions. For example, you might have a workflow that sends a confirmation email to a user after they sign up, or a workflow that updates a user's profile when they make a purchase.

Data Types and Fields

Data types and fields are used to store information in your Bubble app, such as user profiles or product listings. You can define custom data types and fields that are specific to your app's needs. This allows you to organise and manage your app's data in a way that makes sense for your business.

For example, if you're building an e-commerce app, you might have a data type called "Product" that includes fields like "Name ", "Description", "Price", and "Image". You can then use this data type to create a list of products that users can browse and purchase.

Reusable Elements

Reusable elements are elements that you can use in multiple parts of your app to reduce clutter and make development more efficient. For example, you might have a reusable header element that appears on every page of your app. This allows you to make changes to the header in one place, and have those changes reflected throughout your app.

Another advantage of reusable elements is that they can help maintain consistency in your app's design. By using the same header or footer element on every page, you can ensure that your app has a cohesive look and feel.


Plugins are pre-built components that provide additional functionality to your app. There are plugins for everything from payment processing to social media integration. Using plugins can save you a lot of time and effort, as you don't have to build everything from scratch.

One of the benefits of using Bubble is that it has a large and active community of plugin developers. This means there are many plugins available for a wide range of use cases. If you can't find a plugin that meets your needs, you can even create your own using Bubble's plugin builder.

Designing Your App's User Interface

Now that we've covered the basics of Bubble, let's get to bubble building. The first step is to design our app's user interface.

When designing your app's user interface, it's important to keep in mind the user experience. You want to create an interface that is intuitive and easy to use. Consider the flow of the app and how users will interact with it. Think about what elements are most important and should be highlighted on the page.

Bubble's visual editor makes it easy to design your app's UI. To get started, drag and drop elements onto your page and adjust their properties as needed. You can add buttons, text boxes, images, and more. You'll also want to pay attention to factors like page layout and colour scheme. A well-designed layout can make your app feel more professional and polished.

Using the Visual Editor

The visual editor offers a variety of tools to help you design your app's user interface. You can adjust the size and position of elements, change font styles, and add animations. You can also preview your app as you design it to see how it will look to users.

One useful feature of the visual editor is the ability to create reusable elements. If you have a button or text box that you want to use on multiple pages, you can create it once and then use it throughout your app. This can save you time and ensure consistency across your app.

Working with Responsive Design

Responsive design is essential when building apps that will be accessed from different devices. Fortunately, Bubble makes it easy to design your app for different screen sizes. You can preview your app on different devices and adjust the layout as needed.

When designing for different screen sizes, it's important to consider how the layout will change. You may need to adjust the size and position of elements, or even remove some elements altogether. You can also use custom states to show or hide elements based on the device being used.

Customising App Appearance with Styles

Finally, don't forget to customise your app's appearance with styles. Bubble offers a variety of pre-built styles that you can use, or you can create your own custom styles to match your brand's look and feel.

When creating custom styles, it's important to be consistent across your app. Choose a colour scheme and font styles that match your brand's identity. You can also use styles to create a hierarchy of information, making it easier for users to navigate your app.

With these steps in mind, you should be well on your way to building apps with Bubble and mastering the basics of app development without code. Bubble provides a powerful platform to code apps that empowers users to bring their app ideas to life, regardless of their technical background.

Learning Bubble through Guided Training

Bubble offers comprehensive training resources to help users to learn bubble, and master the platform. Through guided lessons, you can gain a solid understanding of the core concepts and functionalities of Bubble. These lessons are designed to take you through the learning process step by step, ensuring that you grasp the logic required to build successful apps.

This free Bubble course covers various topics, including creating data structures, designing user interfaces, implementing workflows, integrating plugins, and much more. Each lesson provides hands-on experience, allowing you to practice building real-world projects and reinforcing your knowledge.

No-Code Advantages of Bubble

One of the main advantages of using Bubble is that it allows you to build fully functional applications without writing a single line of code. This makes it accessible to individuals with no prior coding experience. By leveraging the visual programming capabilities of Bubble, you can focus on designing and creating the app's logic, rather than getting caught up in complex coding syntax.

The Bubble platform offers an extensive library of pre-built elements, styles, and templates that you can leverage in your app development journey. These resources enable you to quickly prototype and customize your app's user interface, saving you valuable time and effort.

In addition, Bubble's extensive plugin marketplace provides a wide range of integrations to enhance the functionality of your app. Whether you need to integrate payment gateways, social media platforms, or other third-party services, Bubble's plugins can simplify the development process and expand your app's capabilities.

Supportive Community and Learning Resources

Bubble has a thriving community of users and developers who actively share their knowledge and experiences. Online forums, community-led tutorials videos, and video series are available to help you further enhance your Bubble skills. These resources provide additional learning opportunities and allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who are also passionate about building apps without code.

Furthermore, Bubble offers a free introductory course that covers the essentials of the platform. This course provides a solid foundation for beginners and bubble developers, guiding them through the fundamental concepts and features of Bubble. Completing this course will give you a strong understanding of the platform and enable you to build your own apps confidently.

Unlocking Your App Potential with Bubble

Bubble provides a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses to turn their app ideas into reality, regardless of their coding expertise. By harnessing the power of Bubble's visual programming interface, free course comprehensive training resources, and supportive community, you can learn, create, and launch successful applications.

So, if you have an idea with demand, and want to explore it further, get to Bubble building. With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and free courses, Bubble opens its students up a world of possibilities for building innovative and impactful apps. Start your Bubble training today, gain the relevant knowledge and unleash your creativity in the world of no-code app development.

Who are Goodspeed?

Goodspeed are a team of expert Bubble developers, which all started from personal experience. I left Google, founder, and joined an incubator in London but didn't know how to code. I decided to learn Bubble, and joined all the Bubble courses from the free Bubble lessons to Buildcamp with Gregory John. I created with Bubble, a home cook marketplace and SaaS tool. My perspective on building applications completed changed. I was amazed that I could launch a real world project code free. Seeing my idea come to life, and launching a no-code app, I made it my mission to help more entrepreneurs launch their ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Bubble, and how does it work?

Bubble is a visual programming language that allows you to create web and mobile applications without writing code. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for adding elements and functionality to your app. This makes it accessible to individuals with no coding experience.

2. Why should I choose Bubble for app development?

Bubble offers an easy-to-use interface, a wide range of plugins for advanced features, and the ability to create apps in a fraction of the time it would take to learn coding or hire a development team. It's also affordable and allows you to see your app come to life in real-time.

3. How do I set up a Bubble account?

To set up a Bubble account, go to the Bubble homepage and click the "Sign Up" button. Enter your email and create a password. After filling out your information, verify your email to complete the sign-up process. You need a valid email address to create an account.

4. What are some key concepts in Bubble app development?

  • Elements: These are the visual components of your app, like buttons and text fields.

  • Workflows: Sets of actions triggered by user interactions or events.

  • Data Types and Fields: Used to store app data, like user profiles or product details.

  • Reusable Elements: Elements you can use on multiple app pages for efficiency.

  • Plugins: Pre-built components for added functionality.

5. What resources are available for learning Bubble?

Bubble offers guided training resources, including free lessons covering core concepts, designing user interfaces, implementing workflows, and integrating plugins. Additionally, there's a supportive community, online forums, and a plugin marketplace to enhance your skills.

6. How can Goodspeed help with Bubble app development?

Goodspeed is a team of expert Bubble developers who can assist you in creating apps without code. They have personal experience transitioning from non-technical backgrounds to successful app development using Bubble. Their expertise and experience can help entrepreneurs launch their ideas effectively.

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Mastering Bubble: Learn the Basics & Build Apps with No-Code

23 May 2023

Learning Bubble Basics

The ability to build custom applications is no longer limited to coding experts. Bubble is a revolutionary no-code platform that empowers anyone to create functional web and mobile apps –  without writing a single line of code. This comprehensive guide serves as your launchpad into the exciting world of Bubble. We'll break down the platform's core features, guide you through setting up your account, and equip you with the  foundational knowledge to bring your app idea to life.

Introduction to Bubble

Bubble is a visual programming language that enables you to create web and mobile applications without writing code. You can use Bubble to build apps that range from simple landing pages to complex social networks. Bubble has a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to add elements and functionality to your app with ease. This makes it accessible to people without prior knowledge of how to code, or a tech background.

What is Bubble?

Bubble is a no code tool that lets users create their own app web and mobile applications without needing to write code. It is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for people with little to no programming background or experience. You can see lots of beautiful Bubble apps here.

One of the standout features of Bubble is its visual interface. This interface allows you to see your app come to life in real-time, without needing to write a single line of code. You can drag and drop elements onto your app, such as buttons, text fields, and images, and then customise them to fit your needs. Additionally, Bubble has a wide range of plugins and integrations that allow you to add advanced functionality to your app with ease.

Another benefit of using Bubble is its affordability. When hiring a development team, you can be forced to pay a lot of money, and learning to code from scratch can be time-consuming. With Bubble, you can create a professional-looking app in a fraction of the time and money it would take to learn to code. This makes it a great option for entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to create an app but don't have a large budget.

Why Choose Bubble for App Development?

There are a few reasons why Bubble is a great choice for app development. For starters, it's easy to use, even for new users. The drag-and-drop interface makes it simple to add elements to your app, and the visual interface allows you to see your app come to life in real-time. Additionally, Bubble has a wide range of plugins and integrations that allow you to add advanced functionality to your app with ease.

Another benefit of using Bubble is its speed. With Bubble, you can create an app in a fraction of the time it would take to learn to code or hire a development team. This means that you can get your app to market faster, which can be a huge advantage in today's fast-paced business world.

Finally, using Bubble to create your app can be an enjoyable process. With its visual interface and drag-and-drop functionality, you can see your ideas come to life in real-time. This can be a great motivator and can help you stay engaged and excited about your app idea or project.

Setting Up Your Bubble Account

If you're looking to build a web application without any coding experience, Bubble is a great option. Before we start to use Bubble, you need to set up an account. Here's a complete guide with step by step instructions to get you started. Bubble provides free helpful lessons so new Bubble users can quickly go from sign up to launching their first app.

Creating an Account

To create a Bubble account, start by going to the Bubble homepage. Once you're there, you'll see a "Sign Up" button on the top right corner of the page. Click that button to get started. You'll be prompted to enter your email address and create a password. Once you've filled out your information, you'll need to verify your email address to complete the sign-up process.

It's important to note that you'll need to have a valid email address to sign up for Bubble. This is because you'll need to verify your email address before you can start building your app.

Navigating the Dashboard

Once you're logged into your Bubble account, you'll be taken to your dashboard. This is where you'll manage all of your Bubble projects. The dashboard is divided into a few main sections: Projects, Templates, Plugins, and Settings.

The Projects section is where you'll create new projects and manage existing ones. You can create as many projects as you'd like, and each project can have its own unique settings and features.

The Templates section is where you can access pre-built templates. These templates are designed to help you get started quickly and easily, and they can be customised to fit your needs.

The Plugins section is where you can browse and install plugins. Plugins are add-ons that can add new features and functionality to your app. There are a variety of plugins available, including ones for social media integration, payment processing, and more.

The Settings section is where you can manage your account settings, including your billing information and user preferences.

Understanding Bubble's Pricing Plans

Bubble offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs. At the free tier, you can create projects with up to two users and 10 pages. This is a great option if you're just getting started with Bubble and want to try it out before committing to a paid plan.

However, you'll need to upgrade from free access to a paid plan if you want to add more users, access more powerful features, or remove the Bubble branding from your app. The paid plans range from $25 to $475 per month, depending on your needs.

It's important to consider your needs and budget when choosing a pricing plan. If you're building a simple app with a small team, the free plan may be sufficient. However, if you're building a more complex app with a larger team, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan to access more features and functionality.

Overall, Bubble is a great tool for building a web app without coding. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating your first Bubble app!

Bubble Basics: Lessons, Key Concepts, and Terminology

Before we dive into building our app, let's review some key concepts and terminology you'll need to understand as you work with Bubble.


Elements are the building blocks of your app. They are the visual components that users interact with, such as buttons, text inputs, and images. In Bubble, you can customise the appearance and behaviour of each element to fit your specific needs. For example, you can change the colour of a button or add a hover effect to an image.

One of the advantages of using Bubble is that it has a vast library of elements that you can use in your app. This means you don't have to build everything from scratch, which can save you a lot of time and effort.


Workflows are the set of actions that are triggered in response to user interactions or other events. For example, when a user clicks a sign-up button, a workflow can be triggered that creates a new user in your database and redirects them to the dashboard. Workflows are essential for making your app interactive and responsive to user input.

In Bubble, you can create complex workflows that involve multiple steps and conditions. For example, you might have a workflow that sends a confirmation email to a user after they sign up, or a workflow that updates a user's profile when they make a purchase.

Data Types and Fields

Data types and fields are used to store information in your Bubble app, such as user profiles or product listings. You can define custom data types and fields that are specific to your app's needs. This allows you to organise and manage your app's data in a way that makes sense for your business.

For example, if you're building an e-commerce app, you might have a data type called "Product" that includes fields like "Name ", "Description", "Price", and "Image". You can then use this data type to create a list of products that users can browse and purchase.

Reusable Elements

Reusable elements are elements that you can use in multiple parts of your app to reduce clutter and make development more efficient. For example, you might have a reusable header element that appears on every page of your app. This allows you to make changes to the header in one place, and have those changes reflected throughout your app.

Another advantage of reusable elements is that they can help maintain consistency in your app's design. By using the same header or footer element on every page, you can ensure that your app has a cohesive look and feel.


Plugins are pre-built components that provide additional functionality to your app. There are plugins for everything from payment processing to social media integration. Using plugins can save you a lot of time and effort, as you don't have to build everything from scratch.

One of the benefits of using Bubble is that it has a large and active community of plugin developers. This means there are many plugins available for a wide range of use cases. If you can't find a plugin that meets your needs, you can even create your own using Bubble's plugin builder.

Designing Your App's User Interface

Now that we've covered the basics of Bubble, let's get to bubble building. The first step is to design our app's user interface.

When designing your app's user interface, it's important to keep in mind the user experience. You want to create an interface that is intuitive and easy to use. Consider the flow of the app and how users will interact with it. Think about what elements are most important and should be highlighted on the page.

Bubble's visual editor makes it easy to design your app's UI. To get started, drag and drop elements onto your page and adjust their properties as needed. You can add buttons, text boxes, images, and more. You'll also want to pay attention to factors like page layout and colour scheme. A well-designed layout can make your app feel more professional and polished.

Using the Visual Editor

The visual editor offers a variety of tools to help you design your app's user interface. You can adjust the size and position of elements, change font styles, and add animations. You can also preview your app as you design it to see how it will look to users.

One useful feature of the visual editor is the ability to create reusable elements. If you have a button or text box that you want to use on multiple pages, you can create it once and then use it throughout your app. This can save you time and ensure consistency across your app.

Working with Responsive Design

Responsive design is essential when building apps that will be accessed from different devices. Fortunately, Bubble makes it easy to design your app for different screen sizes. You can preview your app on different devices and adjust the layout as needed.

When designing for different screen sizes, it's important to consider how the layout will change. You may need to adjust the size and position of elements, or even remove some elements altogether. You can also use custom states to show or hide elements based on the device being used.

Customising App Appearance with Styles

Finally, don't forget to customise your app's appearance with styles. Bubble offers a variety of pre-built styles that you can use, or you can create your own custom styles to match your brand's look and feel.

When creating custom styles, it's important to be consistent across your app. Choose a colour scheme and font styles that match your brand's identity. You can also use styles to create a hierarchy of information, making it easier for users to navigate your app.

With these steps in mind, you should be well on your way to building apps with Bubble and mastering the basics of app development without code. Bubble provides a powerful platform to code apps that empowers users to bring their app ideas to life, regardless of their technical background.

Learning Bubble through Guided Training

Bubble offers comprehensive training resources to help users to learn bubble, and master the platform. Through guided lessons, you can gain a solid understanding of the core concepts and functionalities of Bubble. These lessons are designed to take you through the learning process step by step, ensuring that you grasp the logic required to build successful apps.

This free Bubble course covers various topics, including creating data structures, designing user interfaces, implementing workflows, integrating plugins, and much more. Each lesson provides hands-on experience, allowing you to practice building real-world projects and reinforcing your knowledge.

No-Code Advantages of Bubble

One of the main advantages of using Bubble is that it allows you to build fully functional applications without writing a single line of code. This makes it accessible to individuals with no prior coding experience. By leveraging the visual programming capabilities of Bubble, you can focus on designing and creating the app's logic, rather than getting caught up in complex coding syntax.

The Bubble platform offers an extensive library of pre-built elements, styles, and templates that you can leverage in your app development journey. These resources enable you to quickly prototype and customize your app's user interface, saving you valuable time and effort.

In addition, Bubble's extensive plugin marketplace provides a wide range of integrations to enhance the functionality of your app. Whether you need to integrate payment gateways, social media platforms, or other third-party services, Bubble's plugins can simplify the development process and expand your app's capabilities.

Supportive Community and Learning Resources

Bubble has a thriving community of users and developers who actively share their knowledge and experiences. Online forums, community-led tutorials videos, and video series are available to help you further enhance your Bubble skills. These resources provide additional learning opportunities and allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who are also passionate about building apps without code.

Furthermore, Bubble offers a free introductory course that covers the essentials of the platform. This course provides a solid foundation for beginners and bubble developers, guiding them through the fundamental concepts and features of Bubble. Completing this course will give you a strong understanding of the platform and enable you to build your own apps confidently.

Unlocking Your App Potential with Bubble

Bubble provides a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses to turn their app ideas into reality, regardless of their coding expertise. By harnessing the power of Bubble's visual programming interface, free course comprehensive training resources, and supportive community, you can learn, create, and launch successful applications.

So, if you have an idea with demand, and want to explore it further, get to Bubble building. With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and free courses, Bubble opens its students up a world of possibilities for building innovative and impactful apps. Start your Bubble training today, gain the relevant knowledge and unleash your creativity in the world of no-code app development.

Who are Goodspeed?

Goodspeed are a team of expert Bubble developers, which all started from personal experience. I left Google, founder, and joined an incubator in London but didn't know how to code. I decided to learn Bubble, and joined all the Bubble courses from the free Bubble lessons to Buildcamp with Gregory John. I created with Bubble, a home cook marketplace and SaaS tool. My perspective on building applications completed changed. I was amazed that I could launch a real world project code free. Seeing my idea come to life, and launching a no-code app, I made it my mission to help more entrepreneurs launch their ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Bubble, and how does it work?

Bubble is a visual programming language that allows you to create web and mobile applications without writing code. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for adding elements and functionality to your app. This makes it accessible to individuals with no coding experience.

2. Why should I choose Bubble for app development?

Bubble offers an easy-to-use interface, a wide range of plugins for advanced features, and the ability to create apps in a fraction of the time it would take to learn coding or hire a development team. It's also affordable and allows you to see your app come to life in real-time.

3. How do I set up a Bubble account?

To set up a Bubble account, go to the Bubble homepage and click the "Sign Up" button. Enter your email and create a password. After filling out your information, verify your email to complete the sign-up process. You need a valid email address to create an account.

4. What are some key concepts in Bubble app development?

  • Elements: These are the visual components of your app, like buttons and text fields.

  • Workflows: Sets of actions triggered by user interactions or events.

  • Data Types and Fields: Used to store app data, like user profiles or product details.

  • Reusable Elements: Elements you can use on multiple app pages for efficiency.

  • Plugins: Pre-built components for added functionality.

5. What resources are available for learning Bubble?

Bubble offers guided training resources, including free lessons covering core concepts, designing user interfaces, implementing workflows, and integrating plugins. Additionally, there's a supportive community, online forums, and a plugin marketplace to enhance your skills.

6. How can Goodspeed help with Bubble app development?

Goodspeed is a team of expert Bubble developers who can assist you in creating apps without code. They have personal experience transitioning from non-technical backgrounds to successful app development using Bubble. Their expertise and experience can help entrepreneurs launch their ideas effectively.

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Mastering Bubble: Learn the Basics & Build Apps with No-Code

23 May 2023

Learning Bubble Basics

The ability to build custom applications is no longer limited to coding experts. Bubble is a revolutionary no-code platform that empowers anyone to create functional web and mobile apps –  without writing a single line of code. This comprehensive guide serves as your launchpad into the exciting world of Bubble. We'll break down the platform's core features, guide you through setting up your account, and equip you with the  foundational knowledge to bring your app idea to life.

Introduction to Bubble

Bubble is a visual programming language that enables you to create web and mobile applications without writing code. You can use Bubble to build apps that range from simple landing pages to complex social networks. Bubble has a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to add elements and functionality to your app with ease. This makes it accessible to people without prior knowledge of how to code, or a tech background.

What is Bubble?

Bubble is a no code tool that lets users create their own app web and mobile applications without needing to write code. It is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for people with little to no programming background or experience. You can see lots of beautiful Bubble apps here.

One of the standout features of Bubble is its visual interface. This interface allows you to see your app come to life in real-time, without needing to write a single line of code. You can drag and drop elements onto your app, such as buttons, text fields, and images, and then customise them to fit your needs. Additionally, Bubble has a wide range of plugins and integrations that allow you to add advanced functionality to your app with ease.

Another benefit of using Bubble is its affordability. When hiring a development team, you can be forced to pay a lot of money, and learning to code from scratch can be time-consuming. With Bubble, you can create a professional-looking app in a fraction of the time and money it would take to learn to code. This makes it a great option for entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to create an app but don't have a large budget.

Why Choose Bubble for App Development?

There are a few reasons why Bubble is a great choice for app development. For starters, it's easy to use, even for new users. The drag-and-drop interface makes it simple to add elements to your app, and the visual interface allows you to see your app come to life in real-time. Additionally, Bubble has a wide range of plugins and integrations that allow you to add advanced functionality to your app with ease.

Another benefit of using Bubble is its speed. With Bubble, you can create an app in a fraction of the time it would take to learn to code or hire a development team. This means that you can get your app to market faster, which can be a huge advantage in today's fast-paced business world.

Finally, using Bubble to create your app can be an enjoyable process. With its visual interface and drag-and-drop functionality, you can see your ideas come to life in real-time. This can be a great motivator and can help you stay engaged and excited about your app idea or project.

Setting Up Your Bubble Account

If you're looking to build a web application without any coding experience, Bubble is a great option. Before we start to use Bubble, you need to set up an account. Here's a complete guide with step by step instructions to get you started. Bubble provides free helpful lessons so new Bubble users can quickly go from sign up to launching their first app.

Creating an Account

To create a Bubble account, start by going to the Bubble homepage. Once you're there, you'll see a "Sign Up" button on the top right corner of the page. Click that button to get started. You'll be prompted to enter your email address and create a password. Once you've filled out your information, you'll need to verify your email address to complete the sign-up process.

It's important to note that you'll need to have a valid email address to sign up for Bubble. This is because you'll need to verify your email address before you can start building your app.

Navigating the Dashboard

Once you're logged into your Bubble account, you'll be taken to your dashboard. This is where you'll manage all of your Bubble projects. The dashboard is divided into a few main sections: Projects, Templates, Plugins, and Settings.

The Projects section is where you'll create new projects and manage existing ones. You can create as many projects as you'd like, and each project can have its own unique settings and features.

The Templates section is where you can access pre-built templates. These templates are designed to help you get started quickly and easily, and they can be customised to fit your needs.

The Plugins section is where you can browse and install plugins. Plugins are add-ons that can add new features and functionality to your app. There are a variety of plugins available, including ones for social media integration, payment processing, and more.

The Settings section is where you can manage your account settings, including your billing information and user preferences.

Understanding Bubble's Pricing Plans

Bubble offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs. At the free tier, you can create projects with up to two users and 10 pages. This is a great option if you're just getting started with Bubble and want to try it out before committing to a paid plan.

However, you'll need to upgrade from free access to a paid plan if you want to add more users, access more powerful features, or remove the Bubble branding from your app. The paid plans range from $25 to $475 per month, depending on your needs.

It's important to consider your needs and budget when choosing a pricing plan. If you're building a simple app with a small team, the free plan may be sufficient. However, if you're building a more complex app with a larger team, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan to access more features and functionality.

Overall, Bubble is a great tool for building a web app without coding. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating your first Bubble app!

Bubble Basics: Lessons, Key Concepts, and Terminology

Before we dive into building our app, let's review some key concepts and terminology you'll need to understand as you work with Bubble.


Elements are the building blocks of your app. They are the visual components that users interact with, such as buttons, text inputs, and images. In Bubble, you can customise the appearance and behaviour of each element to fit your specific needs. For example, you can change the colour of a button or add a hover effect to an image.

One of the advantages of using Bubble is that it has a vast library of elements that you can use in your app. This means you don't have to build everything from scratch, which can save you a lot of time and effort.


Workflows are the set of actions that are triggered in response to user interactions or other events. For example, when a user clicks a sign-up button, a workflow can be triggered that creates a new user in your database and redirects them to the dashboard. Workflows are essential for making your app interactive and responsive to user input.

In Bubble, you can create complex workflows that involve multiple steps and conditions. For example, you might have a workflow that sends a confirmation email to a user after they sign up, or a workflow that updates a user's profile when they make a purchase.

Data Types and Fields

Data types and fields are used to store information in your Bubble app, such as user profiles or product listings. You can define custom data types and fields that are specific to your app's needs. This allows you to organise and manage your app's data in a way that makes sense for your business.

For example, if you're building an e-commerce app, you might have a data type called "Product" that includes fields like "Name ", "Description", "Price", and "Image". You can then use this data type to create a list of products that users can browse and purchase.

Reusable Elements

Reusable elements are elements that you can use in multiple parts of your app to reduce clutter and make development more efficient. For example, you might have a reusable header element that appears on every page of your app. This allows you to make changes to the header in one place, and have those changes reflected throughout your app.

Another advantage of reusable elements is that they can help maintain consistency in your app's design. By using the same header or footer element on every page, you can ensure that your app has a cohesive look and feel.


Plugins are pre-built components that provide additional functionality to your app. There are plugins for everything from payment processing to social media integration. Using plugins can save you a lot of time and effort, as you don't have to build everything from scratch.

One of the benefits of using Bubble is that it has a large and active community of plugin developers. This means there are many plugins available for a wide range of use cases. If you can't find a plugin that meets your needs, you can even create your own using Bubble's plugin builder.

Designing Your App's User Interface

Now that we've covered the basics of Bubble, let's get to bubble building. The first step is to design our app's user interface.

When designing your app's user interface, it's important to keep in mind the user experience. You want to create an interface that is intuitive and easy to use. Consider the flow of the app and how users will interact with it. Think about what elements are most important and should be highlighted on the page.

Bubble's visual editor makes it easy to design your app's UI. To get started, drag and drop elements onto your page and adjust their properties as needed. You can add buttons, text boxes, images, and more. You'll also want to pay attention to factors like page layout and colour scheme. A well-designed layout can make your app feel more professional and polished.

Using the Visual Editor

The visual editor offers a variety of tools to help you design your app's user interface. You can adjust the size and position of elements, change font styles, and add animations. You can also preview your app as you design it to see how it will look to users.

One useful feature of the visual editor is the ability to create reusable elements. If you have a button or text box that you want to use on multiple pages, you can create it once and then use it throughout your app. This can save you time and ensure consistency across your app.

Working with Responsive Design

Responsive design is essential when building apps that will be accessed from different devices. Fortunately, Bubble makes it easy to design your app for different screen sizes. You can preview your app on different devices and adjust the layout as needed.

When designing for different screen sizes, it's important to consider how the layout will change. You may need to adjust the size and position of elements, or even remove some elements altogether. You can also use custom states to show or hide elements based on the device being used.

Customising App Appearance with Styles

Finally, don't forget to customise your app's appearance with styles. Bubble offers a variety of pre-built styles that you can use, or you can create your own custom styles to match your brand's look and feel.

When creating custom styles, it's important to be consistent across your app. Choose a colour scheme and font styles that match your brand's identity. You can also use styles to create a hierarchy of information, making it easier for users to navigate your app.

With these steps in mind, you should be well on your way to building apps with Bubble and mastering the basics of app development without code. Bubble provides a powerful platform to code apps that empowers users to bring their app ideas to life, regardless of their technical background.

Learning Bubble through Guided Training

Bubble offers comprehensive training resources to help users to learn bubble, and master the platform. Through guided lessons, you can gain a solid understanding of the core concepts and functionalities of Bubble. These lessons are designed to take you through the learning process step by step, ensuring that you grasp the logic required to build successful apps.

This free Bubble course covers various topics, including creating data structures, designing user interfaces, implementing workflows, integrating plugins, and much more. Each lesson provides hands-on experience, allowing you to practice building real-world projects and reinforcing your knowledge.

No-Code Advantages of Bubble

One of the main advantages of using Bubble is that it allows you to build fully functional applications without writing a single line of code. This makes it accessible to individuals with no prior coding experience. By leveraging the visual programming capabilities of Bubble, you can focus on designing and creating the app's logic, rather than getting caught up in complex coding syntax.

The Bubble platform offers an extensive library of pre-built elements, styles, and templates that you can leverage in your app development journey. These resources enable you to quickly prototype and customize your app's user interface, saving you valuable time and effort.

In addition, Bubble's extensive plugin marketplace provides a wide range of integrations to enhance the functionality of your app. Whether you need to integrate payment gateways, social media platforms, or other third-party services, Bubble's plugins can simplify the development process and expand your app's capabilities.

Supportive Community and Learning Resources

Bubble has a thriving community of users and developers who actively share their knowledge and experiences. Online forums, community-led tutorials videos, and video series are available to help you further enhance your Bubble skills. These resources provide additional learning opportunities and allow you to connect with like-minded individuals who are also passionate about building apps without code.

Furthermore, Bubble offers a free introductory course that covers the essentials of the platform. This course provides a solid foundation for beginners and bubble developers, guiding them through the fundamental concepts and features of Bubble. Completing this course will give you a strong understanding of the platform and enable you to build your own apps confidently.

Unlocking Your App Potential with Bubble

Bubble provides a unique opportunity for individuals and businesses to turn their app ideas into reality, regardless of their coding expertise. By harnessing the power of Bubble's visual programming interface, free course comprehensive training resources, and supportive community, you can learn, create, and launch successful applications.

So, if you have an idea with demand, and want to explore it further, get to Bubble building. With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and free courses, Bubble opens its students up a world of possibilities for building innovative and impactful apps. Start your Bubble training today, gain the relevant knowledge and unleash your creativity in the world of no-code app development.

Who are Goodspeed?

Goodspeed are a team of expert Bubble developers, which all started from personal experience. I left Google, founder, and joined an incubator in London but didn't know how to code. I decided to learn Bubble, and joined all the Bubble courses from the free Bubble lessons to Buildcamp with Gregory John. I created with Bubble, a home cook marketplace and SaaS tool. My perspective on building applications completed changed. I was amazed that I could launch a real world project code free. Seeing my idea come to life, and launching a no-code app, I made it my mission to help more entrepreneurs launch their ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Bubble, and how does it work?

Bubble is a visual programming language that allows you to create web and mobile applications without writing code. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for adding elements and functionality to your app. This makes it accessible to individuals with no coding experience.

2. Why should I choose Bubble for app development?

Bubble offers an easy-to-use interface, a wide range of plugins for advanced features, and the ability to create apps in a fraction of the time it would take to learn coding or hire a development team. It's also affordable and allows you to see your app come to life in real-time.

3. How do I set up a Bubble account?

To set up a Bubble account, go to the Bubble homepage and click the "Sign Up" button. Enter your email and create a password. After filling out your information, verify your email to complete the sign-up process. You need a valid email address to create an account.

4. What are some key concepts in Bubble app development?

  • Elements: These are the visual components of your app, like buttons and text fields.

  • Workflows: Sets of actions triggered by user interactions or events.

  • Data Types and Fields: Used to store app data, like user profiles or product details.

  • Reusable Elements: Elements you can use on multiple app pages for efficiency.

  • Plugins: Pre-built components for added functionality.

5. What resources are available for learning Bubble?

Bubble offers guided training resources, including free lessons covering core concepts, designing user interfaces, implementing workflows, and integrating plugins. Additionally, there's a supportive community, online forums, and a plugin marketplace to enhance your skills.

6. How can Goodspeed help with Bubble app development?

Goodspeed is a team of expert Bubble developers who can assist you in creating apps without code. They have personal experience transitioning from non-technical backgrounds to successful app development using Bubble. Their expertise and experience can help entrepreneurs launch their ideas effectively.

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